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How Are Medical Bills Paid After a Car Accident?

How Are Medical Bills Paid After a Car Accident?

After a car accident, it is not unusual to require medical treatment. Depending on the severity of your injuries, treatment costs can add up quickly.

While it is possible to file a personal injury claim with the help of a Hartford car accident lawyer to recover these costs, this money is only paid at the end of your case.

If you are like most people, you may wonder – what happens until your case is settled?

For most people, covering the cost of thousands or more dollars in medical costs are extremely challenging or impossible. This may leave you stressed and unsure of what to do.

Our legal team at Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers can review your case and help you know your options. You can learn more about covering the costs of medical treatment after a car accident here.

Coordinating Payments for Accident-Related Medical Treatment

After a car accident, you may have to turn to your other insurance coverage for payment.

For example, if you have Medicare or health insurance, you can send your medical bills to them. However, a better option is using your Med Pay (medical payment) coverage if you have it. Med Pay will cover the costs of doctors and reimburse you for any copayments or deductibles if you use your health insurance, too.

If you do not have this type of coverage (or any coverage) or another way to pay for medical care after a car accident injury, Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers can help you get in touch with doctors and other healthcare professionals who can provide the treatment you need and defer payment until your personal injury case is settled. Our legal team can also help ensure that the medical bills are not sent to collections.

Remember, when your case with the at-fault party is settled, you may have to use some of the money to repay your health insurance, Medicare coverage, or healthcare workers who treated you without receiving payment at the time of treatment.

If this is the case, the amount of a settlement you receive can be reduced significantly. Determining what to pay first and other important factors are something you should discuss with your legal counsel.

Common Questions About Paying Medical Bills After a Connecticut Car Accident

Because the topic of medical bills and how they will be paid is confusing and complex, you may have more questions. Some of the common questions we are asked are answered here.

Why do you have to pay the medical bills if the accident was not your fault?

According to Connecticut law, the injured party must pay their medical bills. It does not matter who was at fault for the accident. If another driver is to blame, you can file a claim or lawsuit against them to recover your costs.

Why won’t the at-fault party’s car insurance cover your medical costs?

Liability auto insurance is not a “pay as you go” option. Insurance adjusters will only provide reimbursement for your medical treatment after completion. If you do not have health insurance or another option to pay the bills, you may find that you have to forego the needed medical treatment or even borrow it from high-interest lenders.

Will your doctor provide treatment if you promise to pay them once your case is settled?

Sometimes, healthcare providers will refuse to provide treatment if you cannot pay when the treatment is rendered. However, others will agree to treat you if you provide them with a letter of protection from your attorney. This is a contract from your attorney and you that states you will pay the doctor all medical costs after you receive a car accident settlement.

Will your auto insurance cover your medical costs?

Your car insurance company is not required to pay your medical costs due to an accident. While this is true, you can receive coverage if your policy includes Med Pay (mentioned today). You must add this type of extra insurance to your policy. Also, this additional insurance must be purchased before you are in an accident.

Contact Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers for More Information

Let our Hartford car accident lawyer help you with your case if you are involved in a Connecticut car accident. We can review the information and work to ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible for the injuries and damages you sustained. We offer clients a free initial consultation to discuss their legal needs.

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