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Unexpected Injuries After a Connecticut Slip & Fall Accident

Unexpected Injuries After a Connecticut Slip & Fall Accident

Slip, trip, and fall accidents can greatly impact a victim’s life and lead to extensive medical bills, chronic pain, and other issues.

Unfortunately, these accidents can happen at any location and in any setting. For example, slip and fall accidents across all industries account for 65% of lost workdays among U.S. employees. These accidents are also common among older adults, with 28% of those in this age group reporting falling yearly.

It is not just workers and the elderly at risk of a slip and fall accident and injury. Anyone can be a victim, and the accident can occur anywhere – grocery stores, parks, a friend’s house, and anywhere else you can imagine.

If you slip and fall on someone else’s property due to a hazard that should have been removed or warned about, you may be able to file a legal claim and recover compensation. At Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers, we can review the facts of your case to help determine if you have a viable claim.

While we recommend contacting us immediately, knowing some unexpected injuries that may occur in a slip and fall accident is also helpful.

Facial Injuries

When you fall, your face may strike the ground or an object. You may experience a serious cut, broken teeth, nose or jaw fractures, and eye injuries if this happens.

Many people who experience facial injuries in a slip-and-fall accident also sustain a concussion or other type of TBI (traumatic brain injury).

Muscle Strains and Shoulder Dislocation

A natural reaction to falling is to reach your arm out to catch yourself. Unfortunately, when this is done, you may land on your shoulder, which can cause it to become dislocated.

Many cases of shoulder dislocations require surgery to correct the problem. Healing from this type of injury can take a lot of time, and some victims require long-term care, rehabilitation, and an intensive treatment strategy.


Concussions often occur in a slip and fall incident if your head strikes the ground (as mentioned above). However, violent shaking may also cause a concussion, even if the head never strikes an object.

Some common concussion symptoms include ringing in the ears, feeling “foggy,” nausea, confusion, and headache. You may or may not lose consciousness.

Many slip and fall accident victims feel fine after the incident and begin experiencing these symptoms days later. Getting checked out by a doctor immediately after an accident will help you know if you are dealing with a concussion.

Other TBIs (Traumatic Brain Injuries)

Traumatic brain injuries are more common in slip and fall accidents than some people realize. The mildest form of TBI is a concussion. However, slips and falls may cause other types of TBIs. Examples include the following:

  • Diffuse axonal injury (DAI)
  • Subdural, intracerebral, or epidural hematoma
  • Coup-contrecoup injuries
  • Linear, depressed, or basilar skull fractures
  • Subarachnoid or intraventricular hemorrhage

Broken Bones

The force of a slip and fall incident can easily cause broken bones. While it is the elderly who are especially susceptible to bone fractures in a fall, everyone can experience this type of injury.

The most dangerous type of break that occurs is to the hip. This is because there are serious complications involved with these injuries in some situations.

Other bones that may be broken in a slip and fall accident include the lower legs, ribs, collarbone, shoulders, or arms. If this happens, you may require long-term treatment and rehabilitation.

Neck Injuries

A neck injury can be caused by damage to the spinal cord or because of damage to the tendons, ligaments, or muscles in the neck.

The term “whiplash” describes a condition where the neck’s soft tissue and upper spinal cord experience damage because of violent and sudden movement. This can happen in a slip and fall incident.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The injuries that may occur to the spinal cord vary based on how you fall. For example, you may experience herniated or slipped discs, pinched nerves, or broken vertebrae. However, other injuries may also occur to this vulnerable part of the body.

The symptoms and impact of a spinal cord injury vary. They can include pain and limited mobility, and for some, full or partial paralysis.

If you experience a spinal cord injury, it will likely be classified as incomplete or complete. This describes the severity and damage to the spinal cord.

Let Our Legal Team Help You File a Slip and Fall Claim

After a slip and fall accident, you may be in pain and unsure how to pay your medical bills if you cannot work. Our slip and fall lawyers at Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers is here to help you file a claim and hold the responsible party liable.

We have represented thousands of accident victims and are ready to fight for the full settlement you deserve. The first step is to contact our office to schedule a free consultation. We can discuss your claim and create a plan to proceed with the legal process.

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