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Insurance Claim Denied? What Are Your Legal Options?

Insurance Claim Denied What Are Your Legal Options

Suffering a personal injury is a stressful and painful experience, and the last thing you need is for the insurance company to deny your claim. In Connecticut, like in many other states, personal injury claims are governed by specific laws and regulations.

When the insurance company denies your claim, it can feel like a setback, but you must understand that you have rights and options to fight back. Here, you can learn more about these and how to file a personal injury claim with the help of our Connecticut personal injury lawyers at Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers.

Know Your Rights Under Connecticut Personal Injury Law

Before delving into how to fight an insurance company’s denial of your personal injury claim in Connecticut, it’s crucial to understand the state’s foundational principles of personal injury law.

Connecticut operates under a “fault-based” system for personal injury claims, meaning the person responsible for causing the injury is typically liable for the damages incurred. Understanding this is vital, as it can help establish your case against the insurance company. Here are some key points to remember:

Comparative Negligence

Connecticut follows the doctrine of “comparative negligence.” This means that even if you were partially at fault for the accident or injury, you may still be entitled to recover damages. Your percentage of fault may reduce your recovery, but you can still seek compensation.

Statute of Limitations

Connecticut has a statute of limitations that sets a time limit on when you can file a personal injury lawsuit. Typically, you have two years from the date of the injury to file a claim. It’s essential to act promptly to preserve your rights.

No-Fault Insurance

Connecticut is not a no-fault state for auto insurance. You can sue the at-fault driver for your injuries, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages. Insurance companies are not supposed to deny valid claims; you have legal recourse if they do.

Reasons for Insurance Claim Denials

Understanding why insurance companies deny claims can be helpful when addressing a denial. Common reasons for claim denials include:

Lack of Coverage

Sometimes, insurance companies deny claims because the policy doesn’t cover the specific type of accident or injury. Review your policy carefully to ensure your claim falls within its coverage.

Disputing Liability

The insurance company may argue that their policyholder is not at fault for the accident. They may attempt to shift the blame onto you or a third party.

Insufficient Evidence

Insurance companies often require substantial evidence to support your claim. If you lack documentation or witnesses, they may use this as a reason for denial.

Pre-existing Conditions

The insurance company might claim that your injuries result from a pre-existing medical condition rather than the accident.

Steps to Fight a Denied Personal Injury Claim

Don’t lose hope if the insurance company denies your personal injury claim. You have several avenues to pursue to contest this decision.

Review Your Policy

Start by thoroughly reviewing your insurance policy to understand what is covered and what isn’t. Ensure that your claim falls within the policy’s terms and conditions. If you believe your claim is valid, proceed to the next steps.

Contact the Insurance Company

Reach out to the insurance company to discuss the denial. Sometimes, issues can be resolved through communication. Ask for a detailed explanation of why your claim was denied and request any supporting documentation they relied on for their decision.

Consult with a Connecticut Personal Injury Lawyer

If your initial efforts do not lead to a resolution, consulting with a Connecticut personal injury lawyer is highly advisable. They can provide invaluable guidance on how to proceed and help you navigate the legal complexities of personal injury claims.

File an Appeal

In Connecticut, you have the right to appeal an insurance claim denial. Your attorney will assist you in preparing a strong appeal, ensuring it includes all necessary documents, evidence, and arguments to support your case.

Mediation and Arbitration

Connecticut law allows for mediation or arbitration to resolve disputes with insurance companies. Mediation involves a neutral third party helping both parties reach a settlement, while arbitration is more formal and results in a binding decision. Your lawyer can advise you on the best course of action.

File a Lawsuit

You can file a personal injury lawsuit in Connecticut’s civil court system if all else fails. Your attorney will guide you through this process, representing your interests and fighting for the compensation you deserve.

How a Connecticut Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

Hiring a Connecticut personal injury lawyer is crucial in contesting a denied insurance claim. Here’s how they can assist you:

Expertise in Connecticut Law

A Connecticut personal injury lawyer understands the state’s laws and regulations, ensuring your case is handled correctly from a legal perspective.

Negotiation Skills

Insurance companies often use various tactics to minimize payouts. Your attorney will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive fair compensation.

Evidence Gathering

To build a strong case, your lawyer will help gather evidence, including medical records, accident reports, and witness statements.

Appeals and Lawsuits

Should your claim require an appeal or lawsuit, your attorney will guide you through the process, representing your interests in court.

Understanding Your Legal Options When Your Insurance Claim Is Denied

Fighting an insurance company’s denial of your personal injury claim in Connecticut may seem daunting, but it’s essential to remember that you have rights and legal recourse. Understanding Connecticut’s personal injury laws and enlisting the assistance of a qualified Connecticut personal injury lawyer are essential steps in pursuing the compensation you deserve.

If you face a denied personal injury claim, take action promptly. Review your policy, contact the insurance company for an explanation, and consult with an attorney to explore your options. By being proactive and enlisting professional help, you can increase your chances of a successful resolution and receive the compensation you need to recover from your injuries and move forward with your life.

Contact Our Connecticut Law Firm Now!
When is the best time to call a Connecticut lawyer? Now! No matter how big or small a vehicular accident is, you are going to need to know your rights and protect yourself. Know what the Power of Perkins can do for you when you contact our personal injury attorneys in CT today for schedule a free consultation!