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Home > Motorcycle License Application Checklist

Motorcycle License Application Checklist

In a study recently released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it was noted that there were a total of 36 motorcycle accident fatalities here in Connecticut in 2011.

While these fatalities involved both, helmeted and un-helmeted riders, it’s important to note that many of these accidents were caused due to the negligence of other motorists or a riders’ inability to quickly adapt to changing conditions on the road surface.

What this illustrates is the need for riders in Connecticut to ensure that when applying for their license to operate a motorcycle on our roads, they absorb as much information that they can about rider safety during the license testing process.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a motorcycle crash that was caused by another motorist, the injury victim may be eligible to obtain financial compensation for their injuries – which can include property damage, medical and outpatient treatment costs, and other related expenses.

To find out more, simply fill out the Free Case Evaluation form – it’s FREE.

Helpful License Preparation Tips

Preparing to take a rider’s exam can be a stressful time for many applicants. However, being well-prepared can help to ensure that the rider is given the best possible chance of success.

Some important items to bring to a test include:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport
  • ID Card
  • Driver’s License

…. all of which will help the licensing office easily determine the identity of the applicant.

It’s worth noting that there are a number of online training courses that riders can take, which are designed to mimic the “feel” of the exam at the local DMV office. This method often helps the applicant feel comfortable and familiar when they are actually sitting for the exam.

Some important points to remember for the written test include:

  • Be familiar with the pre-ride inspection routine
  • Be familiar with the meanings of traffic signage
  • Be familiar with safe lane changing and signaling procedures
  • Understand speed limits and what each sign means
  • Understand the riding procedure at a stop sign intersection (including 4-way intersections)
  • Understand what to do at a roundabout
  • Understand when to yield and give right-of-way

In order to have the best chance of passing your written/theory exam, the applicant must be 100% familiar with the correct procedure for each action.

Important Tips For The Practical Riding Exam

The practical riding assessment exam is when all of the theoretical knowledge of the written exam is put to the test in a real-world environment. Prior to this exam, it’s a wise decision for any applicant to take a rider’s education course and also a safe-riding class at a local riding school.

Many of these classes not only help to further educate a rider and make them aware of potential riding hazards but also to help riders to become more familiar with how to actually handle a motorcycle in a typical riding environment.

Some things to remember for the practical test can include:

  • Be familiar with the pre-ride motorcycle inspection process
  • Be familiar and comfortable handling a motorcycle
  • Be familiar with using a clutch
  • Be familiar with using both the front AND rear brakes
  • Be familiar with safety-cornering techniques
  • Understand how to correctly steer a motorcycle by using weight distribution
  • Understand how to operate your motorcycle in an emergency stop
  • Understand and utilize defensive riding techniques
  • Be ready for unexpected hazards
  • Be ready to use evasive riding techniques
  • Wear appropriate safety clothing
  • Wear an approved helmet that fits correctly

…. just to name a few.

Most riders agree that riding a motorcycle provides a sense of freedom that few other forms of transport can provide. By following the law and using best riding practices, a motorcycle license applicant can give themselves the best chance of getting their license and staying safe on the roads of Connecticut.

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When is the best time to call a Connecticut lawyer? Now! No matter how big or small a vehicular accident is, you are going to need to know your rights and protect yourself. Know what the Power of Perkins can do for you when you contact our personal injury attorneys in CT today for schedule a free consultation!