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Parents of ‘Team Molly’ Sue E-Bike Company for Daughter’s Death

Parents of 'Team Molly' Sue E-Bike Company for Daughter's Death

Kaye and Jonathan Steinsapir, parents of Molly Steinsapir, who died following a bike accident, have filed a wrongful death claim against Rad Power Bikes, a Seattle bike company.

In the lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, the parents of the 12-year-old girl claim that the bike’s design flaws made it difficult for the riders to slow down and stop as the bike accelerated downhill.

The lawsuit also alleges that the Seattle bike company engaged in “inappropriate marketing of e-bikes to children,” Rad Power Bikes did not clarify or give a warning “about the dangers of children riding electric bikes.”

After the release of the lawsuit news, a Rad Power Bikes spokesperson said, “The entire Red Power Bike team extends its deepest condolences to the Steinsapir family on the tragic loss of Molly Steinsapir. We are aware of the lawsuit the family has filed. Rad Power Bikes does not comment on pending litigation. “

The lawsuit also blames Giro Sport Design, the company that produces the helmet that Molly was wearing at the time of the accident. Despite being aware of the claim against them, Vista Outdoor, the company parent, did not comment on the lawsuit.

How Did The Accident Happen?

The tragic accident that led to the death of Molly happened on January 31, 2021, while she was riding on a RadRunner electric motorcycle with a friend in Los Angeles. The accident left Molly with a traumatic brain injury. She was admitted to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center for 16 days before her passing away.

Later that day, after admission, Molly’s mother, Kaye, put up a distressing post on Twitter asking for prayers and support for her daughter. “Please. Please. Please. Everyone PRAY for my daughter Molly. “

Molly was in the pediatric intensive care unit for 16 days, and Mrs. Steinspir continued to tweet about her daughter’s condition. Her tweets attracted much attention on Twitter and were shared hundreds of thousands of times with the hashtag #teammolly.

Molly lost her battle on February 15, and her death spurred an online discussion that lasted around a year about grief and bereavement in the global Covid-19 pandemic, which has claimed more than 475,000 lives in the United States alone.

The Details Of The Lawsuit

Even though Kaye Steinsapir was very open in sharing photos and stories of her daughter Molly on social media, she did not give a complete account of the accident. The lawsuit provides all the accident details.

According to the lawsuit, Molly and her 11-year-old friend got on an electric bike owned by her friend’s sister, who is 13 years old. Molly’s friends took the riders’ spot while Molly was a passenger riding on a flat rack above its rear wheel, a feature that “invites a passenger to sit in tandem,”

The friends rode up a hill, which would not have been possible without the help of the electric bike’s power. The suit says that on reaching the top of the hill, Molly’s friend turned the bike to head downhill.

Immediately after turning the bike, it started going downhill at a very high speed. It began to rapidly pick up speed and started shaking.

According to the complaint, the 11-year-old rider tried to apply brakes to stop the bike in vain. The friend “applied the rear brake, but the bicycle did not slow down. She then pulled the front brake, but the bike did not stop, and the front wheel began to wobble. “ The bike lost control going downhill, and the two friends were thrown off.

The suit claims that the Rad Runner’s disc brakes, coupled with a quick release mechanism to detach the front wheel, are a known safety hazard in the bicycle industry.

On landing, Molly lay unconscious. She was rushed to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center by paramedics, where she underwent several head surgeries due to traumatic brain injury. Unfortunately, she never regained consciousness and later died.

Molly’s parents are lawyers, and after their daughter’s death, Mr. Steinsapir sent Radenbaugh, the founder of Rad Runners, a letter explaining what happened to Molly, and he added that they hoped to solve the case out of court.

We want to better understand what happened, why, and how future tragedies like this can be prevented,” “We urge you to contact us and seek to have a human conversation and not lawyers.

The letter is included in the lawsuit, and the suit claims the response to the letter was “not productive.”

The Steinsapir family said they are pushing forward with the case to ensure that no other family goes through the same loss. “No amount of money can bring our daughter back,” Ms. Steinsapir said. “But we can no longer sit quietly.”

They will be compensated for damages in an amount to be determined by the jury.

What Is the Process for Filing an E-bike Accident Lawsuit?

The process for filing an e-bike accident lawsuit is similar to any other personal injury lawsuit.

To start with, it is important to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can review the facts of your case and advise you on whether or not you have a strong legal claim. If it is determined that you do have a viable case, the next step will be to file a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party.

Your attorney will submit a complaint to the court that explains how you were hurt and asks for compensation for your losses, which may include:

  • Wages lost during recovery
  • Future medical costs
  • Reduced wages as a result of the long-term effects of your injuries
  • Medical treatment compensation
  • Anguish, both physical and emotional, as well as the loss of companionship

Involved in an Electric Bike Accident? We Are Here to Help!

If you’ve been injured in an e-bike accident, the first step is to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer. Get a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer at Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers by calling us today. We will advise you on who to sue, how much your case might be worth, what evidence you’ll need, and the next steps to take if you decide to pursue legal action.

Fill out our online form or give us a call at 203-437-6190 to set up a free initial consultation with one of our skilled personal injury lawyers.

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