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Bridgeport, CT Slip, and Fall Lawyers

A slip-and-fall accident can happen anywhere and at any time. While the very old and young are most vulnerable to these incidents, no one is immune from a slip, trip, or fall accident. 

Bridgeport, CT Slip, and Fall Lawyers

While this may not seem like that serious of an accident, it can lead to serious and life-changing injuries. In fact, falls are the top cause of visits to the emergency room and account for around eight million ER visits across the country annually.

After a slip and fall accident, some victims blame themselves for the incident and injuries. You may not realize that businesses and property owners are legally obligated to ensure their premises are safe and free from potential hazards.

The presence of hazardous conditions, such as broken railings, icy walkways, and unkept stairs, can be used as evidence to file a lawsuit against the property owner or occupier.

You might be entitled to compensation if you were injured in a slip and fall injury in Bridgeport, CT, because of someone else’s negligent or careless actions. Our legal team at Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers can gather evidence and represent your interest in court.

How to Prove a Slip and Fall Accident Was Caused by Negligence

When you are injured in a slip and fall accident, you must prove several elements to show that a property owner or operator was negligent. The elements include the following:

  • The property owner or operator was responsible to the injured person to ensure the premises were free from any hazards.
  • The duty was breached, and the property was not protected from hazards.
  • The breach resulted in the victim’s injuries.
  • The injuries caused damages (tangible costs and losses).

The first concern after a slip and fall accident is to seek medical attention. However, take photos of where the accident occurred, contributing factors to your fall, and any physical injuries you sustained.

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options. Call 203-437-6190 for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.

An effective way to prove your slip and fall case is by having photographic evidence of the scene. You should try to capture as many pictures as possible after your accident.

Remember, if your slip and fall occurred in a public location, such as a retail store or supermarket, the location would remedy the hazard so that other people are not injured. If corrections are made, all the evidence of what happened is lost. This may become a case of your story against someone else’s, which can be difficult to prove.

Common Injuries in Slip and Fall Accidents

A slip-and-fall accident can cause many injuries. Common ones seen in these incidents include soft tissue injuries like damaged ligaments, torn tendons, and sprains. Unfortunately, such injuries are difficult to prove in court because they cannot be seen. Many victims do not realize they were injured until a few days or weeks after the incident.

It is also possible for a slip-and-fall accident to cause the victim to hit their head. While this can cause a concussion (a relatively mild head injury), other, more serious head injuries can occur. If you or someone in your family struck their head after slipping, tripping, or falling and you notice bleeding or swelling, you need to seek medical attention immediately. Injuries like this can cause life-threatening internal damage.

A minor fall can cause abrasions and cuts. While these may seem severe, they heal quickly and do not require costly or ongoing medical treatment. It is worth mentioning that cuts can also appear over more serious injuries.

Spinal cord injuries may also occur when you fall. If the injury is severe enough, it can cause partial or full paralysis. Seeking treatment for a spinal cord injury is usually expensive and requires ongoing care.

Broken bones and fractures can occur when you fall on a hard surface. The needed treatment for cases of broken bones varies. While some can heal without intervention, others require extensive and expensive surgery.

Because of how serious injuries in a slip and fall accident can be, it is recommended that you seek medical treatment immediately. This is true even if you feel fine and do not believe you were injured.

Should You Pursue Compensation After a Slip and Fall Accident

The owner of a property owner or occupier should not ever lead to financial losses for those using the property. While this is true, not everyone falls at someone’s home, on the sidewalk, or in a parking lot.

If you are unsure if you have a viable slip and fall accident claim, we can help. We can evaluate the situation and determine who is liable. If the property owner or occupier is found negligent, we can pursue compensation on your behalf.

Understanding Connecticut’s Premises Liability Law

Sometimes, slip and fall cases fall under the umbrella of premises liability. This is focused on the duty of care a property owner owes on their property.

It does not matter if the incident occurs at home or in a store; you have rights. The duty of care a property owner or occupier owes you depends on your classification while on the property. These are divided into three categories:

    • Invitee. This is someone who is invited to the business or land for a mutually beneficial reason.
  • Licensee. A licensee has consent or permission from the property owner to be on the property.
  • Trespasser. Property owners do not owe a duty of care to those trespassing on their property; however, they cannot set traps that would harm the individual.

The following applies to adults. However, with children, the duty of care is increased. Even if a child is trespassing or the property owner has no reason to believe a child would be on their property, they must eliminate potentially dangerous conditions. If this has not been done and the child is injured, it may be possible for the company to recover compensation.

Possible Compensation in Bridgeport, CT Slip, and Fall Cases

If you take your case to court and it determines that the other party is responsible for your injury, you can receive damages. The financial compensation provided is designed to help you cover the costs incurred because of your injury.

Some of the damages you can receive in a slip-and-fall case include the following:

  • Past, present, and future medical costs related to the accident
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Punitive damages

The courts in Connecticut use the comparative fault rule. This means they may reduce your compensation if you are found to be partially responsible for the accident. Your damages will be reduced by the percentage of fault you are assigned.

How Our Legal Team Can Help with Your Slip and Fall Claim

When you contact our law firm, we will conduct an independent investigation to determine what happened. During our investigation, we will determine what caused your accident and collect evidence to prove your claim.

Your Bridgeport personal injury lawyer will also determine who is liable for the accident and what insurance coverage may come into play. From this point, we will take all the information and evidence we have collected to file a claim against the at-fault party.

Insurance companies work quickly in these situations and try to speak to you before you acquire legal representation. You may receive a call from the at-fault party’s insurance company. The adjuster may tell you that you do not need an attorney because they can handle everything and offer a settlement.

It is rarely a good idea to take the first settlement offer made. These are tactics that insurance companies use to reduce what they pay you.

We encourage you to contact our attorneys at Jonathan Perkins Injury Attorneys. We can review the settlement offer and help you determine if it is fair (in most cases, it will be much less than you deserve). We can also create a counteroffer for your situation.

Our attorneys have decades of experience handling slip and fall cases. We will work to help you receive a fair settlement offer that represents all the costs and losses associated with your accident. We can determine the maximum value of your case and create a demand letter to submit to the at-fault party’s insurance company.

If our settlement negotiations are ineffective, we can take your case to court to help you secure the compensation you deserve.

Let Our Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers Help with Your Case

After a Bridgeport, CT, slip and fall accident, you may be confused and unsure what to do. Our legal team at Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers is here to help with your situation and provide you with the quality representation you deserve.

The first step is to contact our office to schedule a free consultation. We can review the facts of your case and help you secure the maximum compensation possible.

We understand how hard it can be to recover from your injuries and deal with a legal claim. We will take the stress of the legal claim off your shoulders and ensure you are fully represented. Contact us today to learn more.

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options. Call 203-437-6190 for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.
Contact Our Bridgeport Law Firm Now!

When is the best time to call a Bridgeport lawyer? Now! No matter how big or small a vehicular accident is, you are going to need to know your rights and protect yourself.

Know what the Power of Perkins can do for you when you contact our personal injury attorneys in CT today for schedule a free consultation!

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