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Reckless Driving
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Connecticut Reckless Driving Lawyer

Reckless driving in Connecticut is generally defined as being a criminal offense that involves operating a vehicle in a way that displays a deliberate indifference to the safety of others. In some instances, reckless driving that causes serious personal injury to another can be difficult to prove, however – it is important to note that here in Connecticut, there are laws that specifically prohibit motorists from driving recklessly, which were created to help protect the citizens of our state.

Reckless Driving

Here at Jonathan Perkins, our Connecticut reckless driving lawyers strongly believe that negligent drivers must be held responsible and accountable for their actions, and will fight to uphold the rights of those that have been injured due to the actions of a reckless driver. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident that was caused by a reckless driver, we can help pursue compensation for your injuries, along with any other costs that may be associated with the rehabilitation of your injuries – including pain and suffering, lost wages, mental stress and property damage, amongst many other things. To find out how Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers can help, please fill out and submit the Free Case Evaluation form.

Common Examples Of Reckless Driving

There can be many reasons as to WHY a motorist is driving recklessly on the road, and yet as their actions can often endanger other drivers, it’s important to be aware of some examples of their behavior so that you can act accordingly. Some actions that are typical of reckless drivers can include:

  • Failure to indicate when changing lanes
  • Tailgating or following another vehicle too closely
  • Using highway shoulders or emergency lanes to pass traffic
  • Excessively speeding
  • Excessive or improper lane changes
  • Failure to obey traffic signs
  • Running red lights

Throughout Connecticut, reckless driving is punishable by fines ranging between $100 to $300, which may also include imprisonment for up to 30 days or a combination of both. For those that have been repeat-offenders, fines can be raised up to $600, with guilty parties also being eligible for imprisonment for up to one year. Ultimately, by keeping alert, you can exercise due caution, and stay a safe distance away from their vehicle.

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options. Call 203-437-6190 for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.

How To Avoid Being A Reckless Driver

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety conducted a study in 2008 which found that 78 percent of drivers believed that reckless driving was a serious traffic problem, yet half of them reported exceeding the speed limit by 15 mph in the previous 30 days. While many drivers complain about aggressive driving, they fail to realize that their own behavior can be considered reckless. By following some simple, yet effective tips, Connecticut drivers can avoid being a reckless driver. Some pointers can include (but are not limited to):

  • Focus on the road. Distracted drivers cause many motor vehicle crashes. Do not allow yourself to become distracted by cell phones, musical devices, eat, drinking or putting on makeup.
  • Obey speed limits. In Connecticut, speeding is one of the leading causes of car wrecks.
  • Take public transportation. Using public transportation can relieve you from driving in heavy traffic.
  • Relax. Taking out your frustration on fellow drivers can cause accidents and lead to unnecessary violence.
  • Identify alternative routes. Help ease your frustration by taking an alternative, less-congested route.
  • Just be late!

As with many auto collisions, by using simple defensive driving techniques, motorists can help to reduce the chances of an accident should they encounter a reckless driver.

Contact Our Connecticut Reckless Driving Lawyer Today

Due to the amount of time Americans spend behind the wheel, most motorists will encounter a reckless driver at some point in their driving career. It is important to stay calm and collected when you cross paths with an individual who is driving recklessly. We have offices in New Haven, Bridgeport, Hartford, Waterbury and New London, and serve clients throughout Connecticut.

To find out more, please contact us at our toll-free number, 800-PERKINS. We offer a 100% FREE initial case evaluation and work on a contingency basis, which means that we only charge you for our fees and services if we obtain a verdict or settlement for your case. If you prefer to start immediately, simply fill out the Free Case Evaluation form

Contact Our Connecticut Law Firm Now!

When is the best time to call a Connecticut ? Now! No matter how big or small a vehicular accident is, you are going to need to know your rights and protect yourself.

Know what the Power of Perkins can do for you when you contact our personal injury attorneys in CT today for schedule a free consultation!

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