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Traffic Signs
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Types Of Traffic Signs

Connecticut rules of the road, and specifically traffic signs, are used in order to ensure the safety of Connecticut motorists. Failure to follow traffic signs often results in an auto accident. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident in Hartford, New Haven or Bridgeport that was caused by another driver who failed to obey a traffic sign, you may be eligible to file a claim to recover losses related to the crash.

Types Of Traffic Signs

At Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of anyone injured by a driver who failed to follow Connecticut traffic signs. An auto accident can be a traumatic experience for all parties involved. When recovering from injuries incurred in a car crash, the last thing you want to worry about is your financial stability. Let us fight for justice for your losses while you focus on recuperating from the car wreck.

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The Three Types Of Traffic Signs

There are three categories for traffic signs: regulatory signs, warning signs and sides intended to guide motorists.

Regulatory signs

As can be inferred by the name, these types of signs indicate a regulation on the road. Regulatory signs must be obeyed. Failure to obey a regulatory signs could result in a citation. Some common regulatory signs include:

    • Stop signs
    • Yield signs
    • Speed limit signs
    • Movement signs such as “Keep Right,” one-way street indicators or road closure signs
    • Parking signs
  • Warning signs

Warning signs are usually yellow or orange background with black writing. These types of traffic signs usually indicate:

    • Railroad crossings
    • No passing zones
    • School zones
    • Construction zones
    • Advanced warning of road conditions ahead
  • Guide signs

Guide signs are used to inform drivers of routes, gas, food, lodging, hospitals, rest areas and other things motorists might be searching for. The color of the sign usually indicates what type of information the sign contains.

    • Blue signs contain motorist services, such as gas, food, lodging, hospitals, etc.
    • Green signs contain highways and route information.
    • Brown signs indicate recreational areas.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Traffic Lights?

An important type of traffic signs is traffic lights. As with traffic signs, there are various types of lights that indicate different things intended to keep drivers and others sharing the road safe. There are four different types of traffic lights: progressive, traffic activated, timed and pedestrian activated.

  • Progressive lights: These types of lights are meant to keep traffic moving at the correct speed.
  • Traffic activated lights: These types of lights change according to traffic loads. If there is no traffic, the light will not turn green. If there are a lot of cars on the road, the green light will stay green longer. These types of lights are programmed to know what and how each intersection is set up and attempt to anticipate the traffic coming rather than responding to traffic that has just stopped.
  • Timed lights: These lights are the least expensive. They are commonly used in smaller communities. They are set to be green for a specific amount of time for each direction of traffic.
  • Pedestrian activated lights: These types of lights aid in the crossing of busy streets. Failure to follow pedestrian-activated lights often lead to auto accidents involving a pedestrian.
Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options. Call 203-437-6190 for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.

Speak With Us If Your Accident Involved Traffic Signs

To ensure that every injury victim is able to afford access to knowledgeable legal counsel, we operate on a contingency fee basis. This means that if you choose to hire our firm to seek recovery of your damages, there is never a cost to you unless we obtain a favorable outcome for your lawsuit, whether through a jury verdict or settlement. We also offer free case evaluations for anyone who believes that they may have cause to file an auto accident injury claim. During an evaluation, one of our lawyers will assess the merits of your claim and offer guidance on how to best pursue legal recourse for your losses.

For more information on the legal rights which may be available to auto accident victims and their families or to schedule a confidential, no-obligation consultation with one of our attorneys, please call 800-PERKINS or complete the Free Case Evaluation form on this page.

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When is the best time to call a Connecticut ? Now! No matter how big or small a vehicular accident is, you are going to need to know your rights and protect yourself.

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