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Connecticut Bad Road Accident Lawyer

According to a study from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, approximately 50 percent of the roads in the United States are in bad condition. Percentages of bad roads are even worse in urban regions throughout the country. These statistics shed light on an ever-growing problem in the nation. The number of motor vehicle collisions in the U.S. is a direct reflection of the bad road conditions across each state in the country.

Bad Roads

Bad roads are a significant source of growing number of auto accidents occurring each year, especially in Connecticut. As Hartford, Bridgeport and New Haven residents travel along the roads and highways, they must take notice of the potential bad roads present in order to avoid a crash. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident due to bad roads, you may be entitled to compensation. Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers is dedicated to our pursuit of justice for all residents of Connecticut. To learn more, please fill out a Free Case Evaluation on this page.

Road Improvements May Protect Drivers

When it comes to bad roads in Connecticut, many efforts have been made to improve the conditions and drivability throughout the state. The association between auto accidents and roads generally falls into three categories: inadequate maintenance, bad weather or poor road design. These factors greatly affect the conditions of roads and, thus, the residents’ ability to safely travel from point A to point B.

Our state has a rich history of road and highway development. As federal funding begun to kick into high gear, residents saw vast improvements to the conditions of bad roads. Through consistent reexaminations in regard to the state of current road conditions, Connecticut has been able to achieve vast enhancements. The following are some of the most recent highway projects finalized in Connecticut:

  • Interstate 291
  • Improvements to Route 2A
  • Expansion on I-84 east of Waterbury to include 6 lanes
  • Upgrades to Route 2 near Foxwoods
  • The Brookfield Bypass, an addition of US 7 highway
  • Route 72 transfer and widening, Bristol

While much more work must be completed in order to achieve the maximum safety for the bad roads of Connecticut, these improvements have been incredibly beneficial. As more and more developments are made to fix the poor conditions of these roads, the frequency of motor vehicle traffic collisions is projected to decrease.

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Types Of Bad Roads

Connecticut drivers would agree that there are some accidents in which avoidance is not an option. Unforeseen events in heavily trafficked areas can lead to a number of different motor vehicle collisions. Being a defensive driver is one of the most successful methods of avoiding a potential crash. However, even the most defensive drivers on the road may be unaware of road conditions, thus leading to an accident. Becoming educated about the potential types of bad roads in Connecticut is one of the best ways to circumvent a traffic collision.

The following are some of the most common types of bad roads:

  • Potholes: when asphalt or blacktop is missing in chunks on the road, severe accidents may occur. These potholes are difficult to spot; therefore Hartford drivers must notify Connecticut government when a pothole is discovered.
  • Oil and chip: a temporary fix for road before they are resurfaced, oil and ship areas can become very slippery when left for long periods of time.
  • Ice patches: often found in isolated areas on the road, ice patches can form even without rain or snow. Drivers must take special precaution when the temperature is cool enough for ice patches to form.
  • Work zones: lane shifts and uneven roads are amongst the many issues involved in construction areas. Drivers must look out for signs warning that a work zone is ahead.
  • Shoulder drop-off: when the shoulder of the road sits about two inches or more under the road’s surface, a drop-off region exists which present a serious danger to motorists.
  • Slippery when wet: while this signage may seem like a “no brainer”, slippery surfaces cause hydroplaning, a source of many traffic collisions on the highways of Connecticut.

Predicting road conditions is certainly impossible. Nevertheless, being aware of the dangers present in the above types of bad roads is imperative to reacting appropriately when traveling through any of these conditions. If you or a loved one has suffered any kind of injuries due to bad road conditions, Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers is prepared to guide you through the litigation process.

Get In Touch With Our Experienced Team

Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers shares a passion for the law. Through years of experience, our firm has won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. With offices in New Haven, Bridgeport and Hartford, we are able to provide services to Connecticut residents across the state. We understand that the road conditions in Connecticut need improvement. If you have been injured because of these bad conditions, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Ready to let the Power of Perkins work for you? Complete a Free Case Evaluation today. Or, call us toll-free at 800-PERKINS or contact us online today to learn about your legal options.

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