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Concussion Injuries
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Concussion Injuries Lawyers

A hit to the head or body, a fall, or another sort of damage that disturbs the brain inside the skull can result in concussions, a type of brain injury. After a head injury, people must immediately seek medical assistance since brain damage symptoms are not often obvious at the scene of the accident.

If you or a loved one had a concussion as a result of someone else’s carelessness, you may be entitled to legal action as well as financial compensation. Investing in the assistance of local Connecticut Concussion Injury Attorneys could be your best possible move. To explore your legal options, get in touch with Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers right now. You may fill out the Free Case Evaluation form on this website to learn more about personal injury cases.
Concussion Injuries

What Causes a Concussion Injury?

A delicate organ, the brain is encased in spinal fluid. In most cases, the fluid around the brain serves as a cushion to stop the organ from striking the skull. However, your brain may strike your skull and sustain a concussion if your head, body, or both are subjected to an extremely strong force. Several things can lead to concussion damage. The following are some typical reasons for concussions:

  • Vehicle collisions
  • Motorcycle collisions
  • Wrecked trucks
  • Slipping and falling incidents
  • Athletic injuries

You could be entitled to compensation if someone else’s negligence caused you or a family member to suffer a concussion. Please fill out the contact form on this page if you would like to talk with a lawyer about your injuries.

What Are Some Symptoms of Concussions to Look Out For?

Concussion injuries can be challenging to identify since symptoms aren’t always obvious. Mild to severe symptoms might occur; some just last a few hours while others linger for months. According to WebMD, there are four different kinds of concussion symptoms. You should seek medical attention as soon as you can if you have suffered any form of head trauma and display any of the symptoms listed below.

  • Difficulty paying attention
  • Failing to remember new knowledge 
  • Failing to think clearly
  • Feeling sluggish
  • Difficulty with balance
  • Sensitivities to noise or light
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Hazy vision
  • Headaches
  • More sensitive emotionally than normal
  • Uneasy or worried
  • Inexplicable sadness
  • Easily becomes angry
  • Having trouble falling asleep
  • Getting more sleep than normal
  • Getting less sleep than normal

Children who experience concussions exhibit distinct signs than adults, including:

  • Difficulty walking
  • Loss of equilibrium
  • Lack of interest in their favorite toys and activities 
  • Loss of new abilities, such as potty training
  • Throwing greater fits of rage than normal
  • Changes in their performance or behavior
  • Headaches that persist
  • More tears than usual
  • Inability to concentrate

It’s vital to ensure you or your child seek medical care as soon as these symptoms occur.

If they are severe enough or continue long enough, any of these concussion impacts can have a significant negative impact on your life. People who have post-concussion syndrome, also known as chronic post-concussive symptoms, frequently need to take time off work, drop out of school, and cease engaging in regular daily activities. Some people even need help with activities that are part of daily life but require motor coordination, sustained attention, or executive decision-making, including getting dressed or grocery shopping.

The potential effects of a concussion don’t stop there. Second impact syndrome is a condition that raises the risk of experiencing a subsequent, more severe concussion after sustaining a previous one. A growing body of research shows that having several concussions increases the risk of getting chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a fatal degenerative brain disorder, later in life.

In other words, concussions are no laughing matter. They’re not something to get over or a rite of passage. Never expect that recovering from a concussion will be simple. And always keep in mind the chance that you could require ongoing medical care to address the signs and symptoms of a concussion.

Do I Need Concussion Injury Attorneys? 

Yes, concussion injury lawyers can assist you in getting paid for medical expenses, a handicap, or lost wages brought on by someone else’s carelessness. Fortunately, a concussion is not something to chuckle about. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury. Your life might be severely and permanently disrupted as a result of suffering a concussion. It may harm your physical and emotional well-being, cost you your work, obstruct your academic progress, deplete your financial resources, and leave you dealing with incapacitating disabilities.

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You might be entitled to ask them and their insurers for money if someone else’s negligent behavior caused the accident or incident that left you with a concussion. You may improve your chances of getting that money and paying for the treatment and rehabilitation you require by engaging a traumatic brain injury attorney as soon as you are diagnosed with a concussion.

Could I Receive Damages for My Concussion Injury?

Nobody has the right to purposefully put you at risk for a concussion. It’s not acceptable either for someone else’s thoughtless choices or deeds to cause you to suffer one. A concussion brought on by another party’s reckless behavior counts as a personal injury for which you may be entitled to compensation.

Concussions can happen in any circumstance when a person receives a hit to the head or body or experiences a violent jolt. This can involve attacks, falls, crashes, being hit by a flying object, and automobile accidents. If someone else’s negligent, reckless, or purposeful conduct was what led to the incident that harmed you, they may be liable for your concussion. The best method to determine who could have acted in an unreasonable risky manner that caused your concussion is to contact a skilled brain injury lawyer right away.

You don’t need to bear the weight, discomfort, and cost of a concussion by yourself. You have the right under the law to request restitution from the wrongdoer for the damages they caused you. Unfortunately, compensation does not occur without some significant effort. This is why the assistance of Concussion Injury Attorneys is so vital. These professionals can make a huge difference in your case and how much money you receive.

Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers Will Help You If You’ve Suffered a Concussion Due to Someone Else’s Negligence

You or a loved one may be qualified to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party if you or they suffered a concussion as a result of a car accident, slip-and-fall, workplace incident, or sports injury. Injury victims may be entitled to compensation for their medical bills, lost earnings, and other related losses. Injury victims frequently aren’t aware of their legal alternatives, rights, or the statute of limitations. Your ability to make a claim might be hampered if you put off getting legal counsel.

At Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers, we strongly advise anyone who has been injured or concussed as a result of another person or organization’s negligence to get legal representation. Residents of Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven, and other local Connecticut communities can obtain legal assistance from us. Call us at 203-687-4754 or fill out the contact form on this page to arrange for a free and private case examination.

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If you are in need of a devoted and aggressive attorney, contact Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free initial consultation and case evaluation.

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