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Lead Poisoning
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Connecticut Lead Poisoning Lawyers


Most toxic metal poisoning is accidental – often consumed by small children if they try to taste old paint chips, or by adults who inhale dust from paint that contains lead, lead has also been found in high concentrations in children’s toys, water supplies, lead-glazed ceramics and cosmetics just to name a few.

Medical records indicate that even small amounts of lead entering your bloodstream can cause serious illnesses, while prolonged exposure to lead poisoning can lead to lower IQs and developmental disabilities – especially in children. In many adult cases, it can damage our blood-forming, nervous, urinary, and reproductive systems to a point that it is life-threatening.

If you or a loved one suspects they have been exposed to lead poisoning (or have already been diagnosed), it is a good idea to contact an experienced Connecticut attorney, to help determine if you have a case for damages.

Contact us today for your free case evaluation – simply fill out the form to get started.

Toxic Metal Poisoning Prevention Tips

While treatment is available for those diagnosed with lead poisoning, some simple precautions can help prevent it – some of these include:

For Children:

  • Wash dust from hands, feet, toys and bottles after playtime, eating and before bedtime
  • Fix peeling paint so that children are not tempted to taste it
  • Serve foods that have calcium, iron and vitamin C
  • Keep children out of renovation and building areas


For Adults:

  • Keep lead out of water by letting the tap run for a minute before drinking it
  • Use lead-free dishes
  • Wash hands of dust before eating and sleeping
  • Keep dust to a minimum by mopping floors regularly and wiping window sills with a damp cloth


By using these examples, you can help to reduce the chances of inhaling or consuming lead or objects that may contain lead or traces of it.

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options. Call 203-437-6190 for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.

Contact Our Resourceful Connecticut Lead Poisoning Attorneys

Life is hard enough without having to worry if your home or possessions have been tainted by lead. Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers represents clients whose health has been negatively impacted because of lead exposure. Our trial attorneys zealously argue on your behalf for the justice you deserve. Though we cannot undo the damage of lead poisoning, we will use every resource available to us to ensure you receive appropriate compensation for your medical expenses, loss of earnings or loss of earning capacity, and pain and suffering.

Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers has offices in the New Haven, Bridgeport and Hartford areas, with a team of investigators ready to visit you to discuss your new case anywhere in or around the state of Connecticut. If you or your children have been diagnosed or wrongfully injured due to lead exposure, contact our Connecticut lead poisoning lawyers today.

We offer you:

  • Free initial consultation
  • Flexible appointment schedule
  • Home visits for clients without transportation
  • Personal service through the Perkins case management system


Our Connecticut lead poisoning lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis—what that means is if you do not receive money, we do not get paid. With over 140 years of combined legal experience, our dedicated team of attorneys have the knowledge and resources to fight for the maximum compensation that you may be eligible to receive and will investigate every possible angle of the case for you.

To find out more, please contact us 800-PERKINS (203-397-1283 – outside of Connecticut). We have staff ready to take your call, that will quickly connect you with one of our attorneys after collecting some initial details about your case – it’s that easy. For those that would prefer to start immediately, simply fill out the Free Case Evaluation form on this page and a member from our team will contact you shortly.

Contact Our Connecticut Law Firm Now!

If you are in need of a devoted and aggressive attorney, contact Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free initial consultation and case evaluation.

Know what the Power of Perkins can do for you when you contact our personal injury attorneys in CT today for schedule a free consultation!

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