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Herniated Disc
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Herniated Disc

Herniated discs, often referred to as ruptured disc or slipped disc, are amongst the most painful injuries suffered in a motor vehicle collision. Fibrocartilage is the material within the discs that are located in between the spinal vertebrae. When this material is ruptured, the accident victim is likely suffering from a herniated disc. Fibrocartilage may be ruptured along any part of the spine, typically dependent upon the position and force of the impact in the traffic crash.

Herniated Disc

The human body depends on the discs in the vertebrae to act as cushions for the spine. As such, discs absorb stress that is produced by any impact that the spine feels during different types of movement or physical activity. When a herniated disc injury occurs, the material within the discs is actually squeezed out of the disc itself. As a result, the material touches the nerves within the spinal column causing extreme pain for the accident victim. Those who have experienced herniated disc injuries will note feeling heat and a shooting pain in the legs, toes and lumbar region.

Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers has handled personal injury claims in the state of Connecticut for many decades. In this time, our experienced accident injury attorneys have built a reputation for not only achieving the maximum compensation for our clients, but also for doing so with compassion, care and personalized attention. We understand how stressful any accident can be and when damages such as herniated disc injuries are present, the stress levels tend to rise significantly. If you or a loved one has suffered from a herniated disc following a traffic crash, let the Power of Perkins work for you.

To learn more about your legal options, please complete a Free Case Evaluation form on this page.

The Main Causes & Symptoms Of Herniated Disc Injuries

Herniated disc injuries are generated by the compression of the spinal vertebrae so significantly that the disc itself begins to bulge or completely rupture. Many people associated herniated discs with old age, as the wear and tear of the discs often leads to inflexibility and dry discs. However, injury to the spine is far more common than many believe, especially in regard to auto accident damage. The following are the most common causes of herniated discs:

  • Motor vehicle collisions
  • Lifting of heavy objects
  • An abrupt twisting motion
  • Sporting injury


The severity of these injuries often requires the accident victims to be out of work for long periods of time while they are healing and regaining the ability to achieve daily activities. Therefore it is absolutely imperative for all accident victims to speak with a skilled, experienced personal injury lawyer before making any legal decisions.

In some cases, the accident victim will have difficulty recognizing a herniated disc due to the fact that the fibrocartilage may not be touching any nerves in the spinal column. While this is not very common, it is certainly possible. As a result, all Connecticut accident victims should be aware of the following herniated disc symptoms:

  • Feeling weakness in the feet and legs
  • Feeling numbness in the feet and legs
  • Unable to control bowel movements and bladder
  • Experiencing shootings pains in the legs
  • Feet and lower legs experience a tingling sensation


In addition to these symptoms, herniated disc sufferers will often feel a general pain and discomfort in their lower lumbar region. If you or a loved one experienced any of these symptoms, it is important to see a medical professional as soon as possible. All accident victims, even those experiencing minimal pain, are encouraged to see a doctor after any type of traffic crash.

For more information, please fill out a Free Case Evaluation form today.

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Herniated Disc Treatment

The pain and discomfort typically felt by victims of herniated disc injuries makes many people feel like they should try anything to relieve some of their pain. Unfortunately, however, even the slightest incorrect treatment may cause much additional pain and delay healing times. Therefore, it is essential to seek the right treatment to meet your individual needs. Some of the most common herniated disc treatments are as follows:

  • Bed Rest
  • Heating Pads
  • Hydro Therapy
  • Pain Management
  • Surgery
  • Traction
  • Walking


The above treatments range significantly in terms of length of treatment and intensity healing plans. Anyone suffering from this type of damage must see a physician to discuss your treatment options in terms of your individual needs, both physical and emotional. No one with a herniated disc should be involved in physical activity until a doctor has given the patient permission to do so.

Contact An Experienced Connecticut Injury Attorney

With more than 140 years of combined legal experience, Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers has built a strong connection with the Connecticut community. We feel that it is our duty to protect the rights of all residents in Connecticut, focusing our attention on representing victims of personal injury. When the negligence of another driver causes injury or harm to you and your family members, this at-fault party must be held liable for the damages that they cause.

Our offices are located in Hartford, New Haven and Bridgeport, allowing accident victims across the state to have convenient access to our experienced, skilled and compassionate legal staff. Our trial lawyers are prepared to fight tirelessly for your MAXIMUM compensation. If you or a loved one has suffered a herniated disc following an accident, let the Power of Perkins work for you!

Fill out a Free Case Evaluation form today to get started or call 800-PERKINS.

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If you are in need of a devoted and aggressive attorney, contact Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free initial consultation and case evaluation.

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