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Connecticut Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyers

Connecticut Jackknife Truck Accident LawyersFar too many truck accidents happen in Connecticut. The danger of jackknife truck accidents increases with the anticipated increase in truck activity on the roadways. One of the most hazardous kinds of semi-truck collisions is a jackknife crash, as the range of damage that a jackknifed truck can cause can be very intense and affect multiple vehicles near it. Most jackknife truck accidents cannot be prevented, though some are the result of human error.

A personal injury attorney will be able to help you if you were involved in a big rig or other large vehicle jackknife disaster, as car accidents involving semi-trucks can leave you or a loved one with severe injuries. Some of the biggest vehicles that are permitted on the roads are semi-trailers. Any collisions involving these large trucks can be hazardous for both the truck drivers and motorists in passenger cars. Accident victims who are involved in jackknife collisions may have deaths or significant injuries, including traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

You can receive compensation for losses like medical expenses and motor property damage by filing a personal injury claim. Helping people who have suffered in a jackknife truck accident requires the skills of a knowledgeable truck accident attorney. The Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers are committed to obtaining the compensation you are due. Our Connecticut truck crash lawyers are here to help.

What is a Jackknife Truck Accident?

In a jackknife tractor-trailer collision, an articulated vehicle—more broadly, a truck or other vehicle that pulls a trailer of any kind—actually collapses. The trucks may perform abrupt bends with the help of this trailer, which can be either permanent or semipermanent.

The moniker “jackknife” truck accidents refer to the sharp angle that they fold into, much like a pocket knife. In a jackknife truck accident, a semi-truck’s trailer swings outward, usually forcing the truck’s cab to turn into the trailer. The phrase can also be used to note semi-trailer traffic accidents that happen when the towing cab is in such a way that it faces the opposite direction, giving it the appearance of a common pocket knife.

Jackknifing frequently happens when a vehicle’s braking system is malfunctioning, whether as a result of poor maintenance or negligent truck driver behavior. For instance, they might have to stop harder than necessary if the truck driver does not provide enough space between the truck and the following vehicle. Axles on trucks can lock up when braking abruptly and forcefully. The tractor-trailer will keep moving while pressing firmly against the cab, causing it to collapse in on itself.

You might be able to pursue compensation with the aid of a truck accident lawyer if you or a family member was harmed or lost their lives in a jackknife truck accident.

The Reality of Truck Accidents in the United States

Any person engaged in a vehicle accident might suffer grave repercussions as a result. Most often, parties engaged in incidents involving tractor-trailers suffer the most serious harm. Big trucks weigh a lot more than the typical passenger car, thus they do a lot more damage when they are in an accident. Big vehicles may also take longer to slow down or stop, which might result in a collision having greater force by the time it happens.

Trucks carry more than 63% of all products moving daily between the United States and Mexico. For truckers throughout the country, that translates to thousands of hours behind the wheel, and during those thousands of hours, more than eleven people pass away in truck accidents every day.

A yearly report on auto accidents, including truck accidents, is released by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. It contains a number of noteworthy details concerning truck accidents from the previous years. In the most recent study, a few significant things stood out.

Every year, reports of heavy truck collisions total over 510,000. 4,400 truck incidents, or 1% of all crashes, result in fatalities.

For a variety of causes, truck drivers may lose control of their trucks. Driver mistakes and speeding are a few of the causes, while jackknife collisions are another. Approximately 29% of truck accidents are the result of the driver losing control of the truck.

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What Causes Jackknifing?

Jackknife truck accidents often happen when a truck slips and is compelled to press its brakes, starting the jackknifing process. This frequently happens as a result of faulty or improperly fitted brakes. One of the main factors contributing to truck accidents is brake failure. In addition to braking problems, the following factors might lead to jackknife truck accidents:

  • Hydroplaning caused by rain or snow
  • Speeding
  • Inefficient loading
  • Vacant trailers
  • Shifts in a trailer’s loads
  • Defective or out-of-date anti-lock systems
  • Speedy turns
  • Overall negligent drivers

Unfortunately, jackknifing trucks can and frequently do cause fatal collisions that affect not just the truck driver but also other road users. Trucks that jackknife might spin outward and obstruct all lanes of traffic. Given that it occupies the full highway or road, passenger cars and other moving vehicles may be unable to stop in time to avoid colliding with the truck.

What Should I Do If I Am Involved in a Truck Jackknifing Accident?

Unfortunately, truck accidents, especially those in which the vehicle jackknifes, frequently include a substantial amount of carelessness. The first and most important thing you should do if you or a loved one was in a jackknifing truck accident is to make sure that everyone who has been hurt, including yourself, receives prompt medical assistance. Because catastrophic injuries from truck accidents frequently occur, it’s imperative that you make sure you get help right away.

You may or may not be able to write down the contact information of the truck driver as well as any witnesses to the collision, depending on the seriousness of your injuries and those of others. Take photographs of the collision and your injuries, if you can. A formal police report should be prepared after calling the police to the location of the accident.

Call your own insurance provider as soon as you can to let them know about the accident. Nevertheless, avoid communicating with any adjusters from the transportation firm or its insurance provider. Contact a lawyer instead, who can assist you in defending your rights and fighting to collect the maximum amount of compensation you are due for your losses and injuries. This is where the Connecticut truck crash lawyers at Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers can help.

Jackknife Connecticut Truck Crash Lawyers Who Can Take on Your Case and Get You Compensation

Accidents involving jackknifing trucks have the potential to be fatal. The bulk of these truck accidents happen instantly, with little to no time for reaction, even if some are preventable. In this area, Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers is a leader. Our Connecticut truck crash lawyers have the expertise, experience, and commitment to resolve even the trickiest truck accident cases involving jackknifing.

For a free and private case examination if you or a loved one has been hurt in a jackknife truck accident, get in touch with the law office right away. Call 203-687-4754 or complete our form right away.

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If you are in need of a devoted and aggressive attorney, contact Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free initial consultation and case evaluation.

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