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Maintenance Tips

Driving a commercial truck is a big responsibility; you have to be cautious of your own driving, other drivers and your cargo. There are many risks that come with driving such a large vehicle; therefore, truck maintenance is an important piece of the puzzle.

Maintenance Tips

The Connecticut Traffic Accident Facts of 2008 note that more than 500 accidents involved a truck/trailer combination, which caused approximately 80 serious personal injuries. It was also reported that over a 9-year period, ending in 2008, tractor-trailer crashes caused nearly 7,000 injuries. Thirty-four percent of those accidents occurred between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Other interested crash statistics in Connecticut in 2008:

  • A vehicle having mechanical failure caused more than 600 accidents.
  • Unsafe backing caused more than 4000 traffic incidents.
  • Insufficient clearance caused nearly 300 accidents.
  • There were 28 jackknife accidents.


If you or anyone you know was involved in a Connecticut traffic collision that involved a truck that may have been caused due to lack of truck maintenance, the victim may be entitled to compensation for property damage, pain and suffering, and lost wages. Let our team of attorneys help guide you through the entire litigation process.

How To Properly Maintain Your Truck

Both car and truck maintenance are important in keeping you safe behind the wheel as the simplest improper repair can cause a collision. Most maintenance may be based on time and mileage due to normal wear and tear on the truck. Always be sure to check your:

  • Tire treading
  • Engine
  • Oil and power steering fluid
  • Brake system
  • Mirrors and other helpful features such as backing cameras
  • Windshield wipers
  • Hydraulic hoses
  • Steps and ladders
  • Lift gates
  • All lights, including hazard lights
  • Exact system
  • Emergency equipment
  • Cargo securement devices


Checking these, and more, may help keep you and your fellow motorists safe from harm’s way.

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options. Call 203-437-6190 for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.


Don’t Disregard Federal Regulations

There are a number of federal regulations for truck drivers by the United States Department of Transportation. Each year, commercial truck drivers, including those in a semitrailer, full trailer and so forth, must pass their inspection.

Periodically your state may also set up checkpoints to ensure that drivers are meeting the requirements set forth by the government. Those who do not meet the requirements are subject to penalties.

In Connecticut, the Department of Motor Vehicle’s manual also explains that there is a pre-trip vehicle inspection test, so prior to getting to go ahead to drive a commercial vehicle, you will need to know all that you can about maintaining your truck properly.

Bad Weather Truck Tips

Driving in unpleasant weather conditions can increase your risk of a truck crash. In Connecticut, there is an increased risk if you drive on ice as the majority of car crashes actually occur in December. Follow some of these pointers to stay safe.

Rain can decrease visibility and lead to hydroplaning if your tires are not properly maintained. Dense fog can also decrease how far ahead you see so it’s important to check your lights frequently in case they need to be used.

Also keep in mind that Connecticut winters mean preparing your car for the cold. Not only will you need to do proper maintenance, but you’ll also need to be sure to properly de-ice your truck, and have the proper tires and windshield wipers installed if you’ll be driving in Connecticut in the winter.

Speak With Us For Free Today

Truck accidents may not be as common as a car accident, but commercial truck drivers are still in danger when they’re on the road no matter how big their truck is. If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, the victim may be entitled to compensation.

The committed Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers can help you get the legal counsel you seek. With more than 140 years of combined legal expertise, we are ready to help you get the justice you deserve. Contact us for a free case evaluation by calling us toll-free at 800-PERKINS and a member of our staff will connect you with one of the lawyers who is best suited in handling your case. You may also contact us online by filling out the Free Case Evaluation form at the top right-hand corner of the page.

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