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Hazmat Transport

The transportation of hazardous materials is amongst the most highly regulated trucking industries in the United States. Responsible for ensuring that hazmat transport is conducted in the safest, most efficient way possible, government agencies have established strict rules and regulations to ensure the safe transport of even the most hazardous materials.

Hazmat Transport

Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers has spent years learning the ins and outs of commercial vehicle collision litigation. Due to the variety of strict rules and regulations related to hazmat transport, those involved in a crash with a commercial vehicle must seek the professional legal services of our experienced staff. If you or a loved one has suffered from any injuries following a collision with hazmat transport, our New Haven attorneys are here for you.

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Hazmat Transportation Has Strict Regulation

Connecticut’s Commercial Driver’s Manual outlines the regulations that apply to hazmat transport in their Hazardous Materials Section Booklet. According to the state’s rules, the hazardous material is said to be any matter that may pose a risk to safety, health or property during some form of transportation. Any materials carried in a commercial vehicle that may present danger are deemed hazardous and are referred to as “hazmat” or “HM,” and they must adhere to the rules and regulations outlined.

The most common hazmat materials are those that could be considered dangerous to one’s health if handled improperly. Therefore, the government maintains both federal and state rulings in regard to how this material must be transported. The following are considered to be hazmat:

  • Explosive materials
  • Gases
  • Solids
  • Flammable and combustible liquids
  • Any other material that poses a threat when transported


When any of the above items are being transported in the state of Connecticut, they must adhere to the rules outlined in the Commercial Driver’s Manual.

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Hazmat Transport: The Important Details

Hazmat transport is amongst the most dangerous activities that occur throughout the United States each and every day. In an effort to protect the residents of Connecticut, as well as the environment, the government has outlined specific regulations about the material, the risk of transportation, and the best means of safely navigating the roads to increase security and reduce as much risk as possible. Placards, which are warning signs used to specify types and quantity of materials, are an essential requirement for all commercial vehicles.

Beyond having a current commercial driver’s license (CDL), Connecticut commercial truck drivers must adhere to all training and testing prior to being able to transport hazardous materials. The three main components of hazmat transportation include the shipper, the carrier and the driver. The shipper must ensure that the products traveling by rail, truck, vessel or airplane are properly packaged, marked and labeled prior to the shipment leaving its original location. Then, the carrier is to take the hazmat shipment to the proper destination. The carrier is to refuse the shipment if it is not properly packaged, labeled or marked, in addition to whether the shipment is in compliance with all regulations.

Finally, the driver is responsible to placard his/her vehicle if necessary, as well as follow all of the regulations of the hazardous material based on the government agency’s requirements. It is up to the shipper, carrier, and/or driver to refuse shipments or report if there is any danger involved in the transportation process. The shipping paper will outline every important aspect of the shipment and is a critical factor in ensuring safety for all of those involved in the shipment.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck collision involving hazmat transport, you may be entitled to compensation for the losses in which you have suffered. Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers is prepared to take on your case today. Contact our New Haven, Bridgeport or Hartford offices at your earliest convenience to learn more about your potential legal options from a professional.

The Many Dangers Of Hazmat Transport

The loading and unloading of hazardous materials is a very serious, dangerous process. Therefore, it is essential for all of those involved in transport to undergo each process with excessive due diligence. In doing so, shippers, carriers and drivers are able to reduce the risk of a potentially deadly accident. The materials carried are broken into classes to identify between the various types as well as differentiate between the very hazardous and the minor dangers.

The following are the common ways to identify between materials:

  • Explosives
  • Flammable gas
  • Flammable liquids
  • Flammable solids
  • Spontaneously combustible
  • Oxidizers
  • Poison
  • Radioactive
  • Corrosive


All of the above materials require very specific regulations and shipment procedures. Neglecting to adhere to the state’s requirements in the hazmat transportation is crucial to preventing injury. When any of these items are not cared for properly, every person in close proximity to the material is placed at a severe risk for injury and harm. Therefore, it is essential for all commercial vehicle operators to be aware of these rules and how they apply to the shipments that they carry.

Contact An Experienced Attorney After An Injury

Every aspect of hazmat transport maintains some degree of danger. As such, when any requirement is not followed, the potential consequences increase dramatically. Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers has years of experience in dealing with commercial vehicles and accidents involving a variety of different hazmat materials. When an accident occurs, we understand that victims are overwhelmed with dealing with financial, emotional and medical issues. Therefore, our personal injury attorneys make sure to make our clients feel as comfortable as possible during these trying times.

We have offices in New Haven, Bridgeport, Hartford, Waterbury and New London, and serve clients throughout Connecticut. Our attorneys are available to come to you for a no-obligation, free consultation, regardless of where you are currently located. Call our toll-free number, 800-PERKINS, or complete a Free Case Evaluation form form on this page and get started immediately.

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If you are in need of a devoted and aggressive attorney, contact Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free initial consultation and case evaluation.

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