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Overloaded Trucks
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Overloaded Trucks Lawyer

Sharing the highway with enormous tractor-trailer trucks can be an intimidating experience. As if the massive vehicles towering over passenger cars isn’t frightening enough, there is the additional factor of their weight and the danger that they present. Though the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has established rules prohibiting trucks from exceeding 80,000 pounds, trucking companies and drivers often disregard these rules, resulting in overloaded or overweight trucks being a leading cause of Connecticut truck accidents.

Overloaded Trucks

Victims of truck accidents are often seriously injured and face extensive time out of work while undergoing medical treatment and rehabilitation, and are frequently troubled by long-term pain, suffering and trauma. When these injuries are a result of negligence, you need a powerful advocate working on your behalf. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers will provide you with representation that will hold the truck companies responsible for dangerously overloading their vehicles and help you get the compensation that you deserve.

Overloaded Trucks Create Numerous Hazards

The weight limits established by the FMCSA are a result of extensive research into the results of overloading vehicles. Whether the problem is too much weight on the truck’s axles or loads that are improperly loaded and result in an imbalance within the trailer, both situations are a result of the truck company not following the rules and acting responsibly. Overloaded truck accidents are completely preventable and reflect a lack of care and concern for the other drivers with whom the trucks share the road. The results can be deadly and include:

  • Higher risk of truck rollover due to the vehicle’s higher center of gravity
  • Freight shifting to the rear of the vehicle and lifting the front tires off the ground, thus resulting in a lack of control and inability to steer
  • Increased momentum when driving downhill resulting in stress on the brakes and an increased possibility of jackknifing
  • Difficulty in traveling uphill causing the vehicles to slow and creating dangers for those heading downhill around blind corners
  • Increased braking time required
  • Increased stress and chance of road collapse for roads and bridges with weight restrictions
  • Increased weight of the vehicle making crash results more traumatic
  • Increased stress on tires

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options. Call 203-437-6190 for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.


What To Do If You Are In A Truck Accident

If you or someone you love has been the victim of a crash, your first concern should always be to seek medical attention immediately. Even if you have escaped obvious injury, it is important to be seen, as many medical repercussions can take time to become apparent, and it is important that you protect yourself.

After attending to your physical needs, you should seek the counsel of an experienced truck accident attorney, and do so before speaking with the representatives of the truck company. Though their representatives may seem concerned, it is important to remember that they are looking out for their own best interests – not yours. Do not sign any papers and do not answer any of their questions before speaking with an attorney who will be there to protect your rights.

Free Case Evaluations: No Fees Unless We Get Money For You

The experienced truck accident lawyers at Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers are here to help you file a claim against the truck company for whatever compensation you need. We have the resources and knowledge that you need to prove that the accident was the fault of the trucking company and to hold them responsible for any damages that you have suffered, whether medical bills, lost wages, or property damage, as well as for your pain and suffering. We have convenient locations throughout Connecticut in New Haven, Bridgeport, Hartford, Waterbury and New London, making it convenient for you to meet with us wherever you may be. Call us at 800-PERKINS or reach us online for a Free Case Evaluation.

Contact Our Connecticut Law Firm Now!

If you are in need of a devoted and aggressive attorney, contact Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free initial consultation and case evaluation.

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